Lingua e letteratura inglese II V.O. |
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"Dalla letteratura modernista al postcolonialismo"
J.Joyce, Dubliners, Penguin, 2000
V.Woolf, Mrs Dalloway, Penguin, 2000
Michael Cunningham, The Hours (1999), Picador 2002
Ayub Khan-Din, East is East, Nick Hern Books, 1997Bibliografia critica
• Pericles Lewis, The Cambridge Introduction to Modernism, Cambridge UP, 2007, pp. 1-125.
• AA.VV., Storia della civiltà letteraria inglese, UTET, Torino 1996, pp. 226-236; 243-248
• R. Bollettieri Bosinelli e H. F. Mosher, ReJoycing, New Readings of Dubliners, Kentucky UP, 1998, pp. 13-52.
• J.Hillis Miller, Fiction and Repetition, Harvard U.P., 1982, pp.176-202 (il capitolo: “Mrs Dalloway”)
• S.Roe, “The impact of Post-impressionism”, in S.Roe e S.Sellers (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Virginia Woolf, Cambridge U.P., 2000, pp.164-190.
• Paolo Bertinetti (a cura di), Storia della letteratura inglese, Einaudi, Torino; le parti relative a modernismo, postmodernismo e letteratura postcoloniale• Mary Joe Hughes, “Michael Cunningham's The Hours and Postmodern Artistic Re-Presentation”, Critique, Summer 2004, VOL. 45, n. 4, pp. 349-361
• James Schiff, “Rewriting Woolf s Mrs. Dalloway: Homage, Sexual Identity, and the Single-Day Novel by Cunningham, Lippincott, and Lanchester”, Critique, Summer 2004, VOL. 45, n. 4, pp. 363-382 (solo la parte relativa a M. Cunningham)
• Dimple Godiwala, "Hybridised Identity as Counter-Discursive Strategy: A Genealogy of British-Asian Culture and its Postcolonial Theatres", South Asian Popular Culture, Vol. 1 (1) 33–44, 2003.
• Loretta Collins Klobah, “Pakistani Englishness and the Containment of the Muslim Subaltern in Ayub Khan-Din’s Tragi-comedy Film East is East”, South Asian Popular Culture, Vol. 1(2) 2003, pp. 91–108.
• Bernhard Reitz, “’Discovering an Identity Which Has Been Squashed’: Intercultural and Intracultural Confrontations in the Plays of Winsome Pinnock and Ayud Khan-Din”, European Journal of English Studies, vol. 7, n. 1, 2003, pp. 39-54.