Letteratura e cultura dei paesi di lingua inglese |
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"La letteratura digitale: storia di un genere"
Testi obbligatori per l'esame
- Shelley Jackson, Patchwork Girl, or a Modern Monster, Eastgate
- Talan Memmott, Lexia to Perplexia, http://collection.eliterature.org/1/works/memmott__lexia_to_perplexia/index.html
- Norman Klein, Bleeding Through Layers of Los Angeles 1920-1986, Hatje Cantz Publishers; Book & DVD-ROM edition, 2003
- Mark Hansen e Ben Rubin, Listening Post: entra
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hwfz7p_RQ0k&feature=related The listening Post part 1 4:05
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdZJpjyxT9A&feature=related The listening Post part 2 0:54
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcrBKNw34zo&feature=related The listening Post part 3
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsltMABf_zI&feature=related The listening Post part 4 4:21- Noah Wardrip-Fruin et al., Screen
Bibliografia critica:
• Massimo Riva, Il futuro della letteratura, L'opera letteraria nell'epoca della sua (ri) producibilità digitale, Scripta Web, 2011, Napoli.
• Noah Wardrip-fruin, "Five Elements of Digital Literature", in R. Simonawski, J. Schafer e P. Gendolla (eds.), Reading Moving Letters, transcript Verlag, Bielafeld, 2010, pp. 29-59.
• Paola Carbone, PatchworkTheory: dalla letteratura postmoderna all'ipertesto, Mimesis, Milano 2002, pp. 229-281. pdf.
• Paola Carbone, “One Monstrous Ogre and One Patchwork Girl: Two Nameless Beings", in D. Carpi e K. Stierstrofer, eds, Bioethics, Biolaw and Literature, Berlino - New York, DeGryuter
• N. Katherine Hayles, “Metaphoric Networks in Lexia to Perplexia1” http://www.siggraph.org/artdesign/gallery/S01/essays/0417.pdf
• Karin Wenz, “Storytelling Goes on After the Credits. Fanfiction as a Case Study of Cyberliterature”, in R. Simonawski, J. Schafer e P. Gendolla (eds.), Reading Moving Letters, transcript Verlag, Bielafeld, 2010, pp. 109-127.
• Rita Raley, "List(en)ing Post", in Literary Art in Digital Performance, The Continuum Interantional Publishing Group, New York, 2009, pp.22-38.