Letterature di lingua inglese 2019-20 |
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1788: provvedimenti protezionistici limitandone la libertà di spostamento.
Joseph Banks = grand tourist with two artists as his servants: Alexander Buchan and Sydney Parkinson
Alexander Buchan > native people and natural scenery
Sydney Parkinson > palnts and animals
George Stubb, An Aninal of New Holland 1773
Hellenistic presentation of true masculinity, the Borghese Gladiator, on display in the Louvre:
While the Classical ideal of female beauty is soft and voluptuous, the Classical male ideal is lean and muscular. Whereas Greek statues of Aphrodite display untoned, fleshy figures, Antique statuary depicts men as sinewy warriors.
Tony Albert https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6afMy0rlqq8
Native (2019)
The Port Jackson Painter, Black Swan 1790
Port Jackson Painter ~ Watercolour, c1788 - 1797 ~
Browne, Richard (1776-1824). "Hump back'd Maria, a female native well known about Sydney" 1819. Watercolour on paper, 28.8 x 23.8 cm National Library of Australia, Canberra
William Fernyhough (1809–1849), Native dance, 1844lithograph, printed in black ink, from one stone
Carmichael, John, 1803-1857. Male and female black natives, New South Wales [1838]
National Library of Australia, Canberra.
Livingston Hopkins
There's a man's job for you in Australia
TheBrand Australia Campaign
2000 Olympic Games
2004 Australia, a Different Light >> Australia's response to the "100% Pure New Zealand"
we've had the camels shampooed
2006 Australian Invitation or Where the Bloody Hell Are You?.
2008 Walkabout and search for authenticity
1911 Aborigines Protection Act per "salaguardare gli abitanti aborigeni e meticci"
1936 Assimilation
One Pound Jimmy - 1950
See: Incredible: Australia 'Come Walkabout' Commercial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQGMuxJ0vCc
There’s nothing like Australia (Tourism Australia 2010 campaign) https://vimeo.com/12583616
"There is nothing like Australia" 2014-16
In response to the growing demand globally for food and wine as part of the travel experience, in 2014-15 the campaign put the spotlight on Australia’s finest array of produce served in the most stunning locations in the world. Since ‘Restaurant Australia’ launched in May 2014 with a ‘rally cry’ to the Australian tourism industry, Tourism Australia has been showcasing the breadth and depth of Australia’s culinary experiences to international markets.
In 2015-16 the campaign will continue to focus on Australia's strengths in food and wine as well as place a renewed focus on our world class aquatic and coastal experiences – both major decision making factors in Australia's key international tourism markets. In addition, Tourism Australia will roll out initiatives to promote Indigenous tourism and high-impact events.
terra nullius
land without property
land of justice and fairness
Millirpum decision, of 1971: Justice Blackburn:
“the fundamental truth about the aboriginals' relationship to the land is that whatever else it is, it is a religious relationship. ... There is an unquestioned scheme of things in which the spirit ancestors, the people of the clan, particular land and everything that exists on and in it, are organic parts of one indissoluble whole”.
Where the Green Ants Dream (1984, Wo die grünen Ameisen träumen) by Werner Herzog
“I think it is important to say at the outset that this case before this High Court is not merely run by Aborigines dispossessed of their Ancestral land by the white man finding in the activity of the Ayers Mining Company a final assault in their believes. It is also a case that traces fundamental, moral questions of great complexity. We must here discover whether the Aboriginal plaintiffs hold in fact in common law a land rights title valid before 1788 tutelaries enacts by Governor Phillips, who by hoisting the flag claimed all of this vast continent for the British Crown.”
Philip Roe, a law-man of the Goolarabooloo
"It's pretty simple for us really, […] We do everything we can to stop this development, because this land holds our law, our culture, no amount of money can replace that. Break this songline and it's gone, mate. It's like a snake -- you cut him in 'alf, 'e don't live Same for songline -- you cut it, it dies."
The Act (sec. 223) confirms that, as held in Mabo,
“native title” means “communal, group or individual rights and interests of Aboriginal peoples or Torres Strait Islanders in relation to land or waters, where: the rights and interests are possessed under the traditional laws acknowledged, and the traditional customs observed, by the Aboriginal peoples or Torres Strait Islanders”.
Moreover, the plaintiffs shall have to prove that they have a continuous “connection with the land”: i.e. that they continuously performed those activities on the land which constitute the contents of the “native title” they claim. Such a burden may be very hard to lift, for people which have been, in many case, forced to leave their native territories.
Justices of the majority wrote that the relationship of Aborigines to land is
“… a relationship which sometimes is spoken of as having to care for, and being able to "speak for", country. "Speaking for" country is bound up with the idea that, at least in some circumstances, others should ask for permission to enter upon country or use it or enjoy its resources, but to focus only on the requirement that others seek permission for some activities would oversimplify the nature of the connection ... The difficulty of expressing a relationship between a community or group of Aboriginal people and the land in terms of rights and interests is evident. Yet that is required by the NTA. The spiritual or religious is translated into the legal. This requires the fragmentation of an integrated view of the ordering of affairs into rights and interests which are considered apart from the duties and obligations which go with them. The difficulties are not reduced by the inevitable tendency to think of rights and interests in relation to the land only in terms familiar to the common lawyer”.
Ius est ars boni et aequi: il diritto è l'arte di ciò che è buono ed equo (Celso, II secolo d.C.).
70 Whitlam: self-determination
1988 celebrazioni del bicentenario dell'arrivo dei primi coloni inglesi a Botany Bay > Ambasciata Aborigena
Land Rights >> (1985) 1992 Mabo
1987 commissione per indagare casi di aborigeni morti in carcere > 1991 risultato inchiesta
1995: commission per indagare le stolen generations
1999 referendum.
TREATY - YOTHU YINDI >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5M_r4_b2H_o
Well I heard it on the radio
And I saw it on the television
Back in 1988
All those talking politicians
Words are easy, words are cheap
Much cheaper than our priceless land
But promises can disappear
Just like writing in the sandTreaty Yeah Treaty Now
Treaty Yeah Treaty NowNhima Djatpangarri nhima walangwalang -
Nhe Djatpayatpa nhima gaya nhe-
Matjini.... Yakarray - nhe Djat'pa nhe walang - Gumurrtijararrk Gutjuk -This land was never given up
This land was never bought and sold
The planting of the Union Jack
Never changed our law at allNow two rivers run their course
Separated for so long
I'm dreaming of a brighter day
When the waters will be oneTreaty Yeah Treaty Now Treaty Yeah Treaty Now
Treaty Yeah Treaty Now Treaty Yeah Traty NowNhima djatpa nhe walang
gumurrtjararrk yawirriny Nhe gaya nhe matjini
Gaya nhe matjini Gaya gaya nhe gaya nhe
Matjini walangwalang Nhema djatpa nhe walang - Nhe gumurrtjarrk nhe ya-Promises - Disappear - Priceless land - Destiny -
Well I heard it on the Radio - And I saw it on the Television
Just like writing in the sandTreaty Yeah
Treaty Now ....
Warumpi Band, My Island Home https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZEodxUx2ME
"My Island Home"
6 years i've been in the desert
and every night, i dream of the sea
they say home is were you find it
will this place ever satisfy me?
for i come from the salt water people
we've always lived by the sea
now i'm out here west of alice springs
with a wife and a familyand my island home
my island home
my island home
is waitin for mein the evnin the dry wind blows
from the hills
and across the plain
i close my eyes and i'm standing
in a boat
on the sea again
and i'm holding a long tyello spear
and i feel unclothed now
to where it must be
my island home, is waitin for meFor i come from the salt water people
we've always lived by the sea
now i'm out here west of alice springs
with a wife and a familyand my island home
my island home
my island home
is waitin for mein the evnin the dry wind blows
from the hills
and across the plain
i close my eyes and i'm standing
in a boat
on the sea again
and i'm holding a long tyello spear
and i feel unclothed now
to where it must be
my island home, is waitin for memy island home
my island home
my island home
is waitin for me