Letteratura inglese moderna e contemporanea
II modulo – Prof.ssa Carbone
a. Cunningham, Michael, The Hours (1999), Picador 2002
b. Klein, Norman M., Bleeding Through Layers of Los Angeles 1920-1986, DVD-ROM ZKM digital arts edition 2003 [a disposizione presso lo Humanities Lab]
Bibliografia critica:
Oltre al materiale disponibile online all’indirizzo:
www.paolacarbone.com/moderna/1. H. Bertens, The Idea of the Postmodern, Routledge, London and New York 1995, pp. 3-11
2. Mary Joe Hughes, “Michael Cunningham's The Hours and Postmodern Artistic Re-Presentation”, Critique, Summer 2004, VOL. 45, n. 4, pp. 349-361
3. James Schiff, “Rewriting Woolf s Mrs. Dalloway: Homage, Sexual Identity, and the Single-Day Novel by Cunningham, Lippincott, and Lanchester”, Critique, Summer 2004, VOL. 45, n. 4, pp. 363-382 (solo la parte relativa a M. Cunningham)
4. L.Manovich, The Language of New Media, MIT Press, Cambridge (Mass.), 2002, pp. 218-234.
5. Paola Carbone, " e-Literature in e-Publishing: No Sacred Wood to Fight for", in eLiterature in ePublishing (a cura di), Mimesis, Milano 2002, pp. 9 - 36.
6. J. L. Borges, “Il sentiero dei giardini che si biforcano”, in Finzioni
Inoltre per i non frequentanti:
V. Woolf, “Mr Bennett and Mrs Brown”, in The Common Reader, any edition
L. Hutcheon, Narcissistic Narrative. The Metafictional Paradox, Mathuen Inc., NY 1984, pp.17-70.
L. Hutcheon, A Poetics of Postmodernism. History, Theory, Fiction, Routledge, New York and London 1988, pp.105-123.
G.Landow, Ipertesto, Bruno Mondatori, Milano