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Letteratura e cultura dei Paesi di lingua inglese
Nel 1973: The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary: Enlightenment“shallow and pretentious intellectualism, unreasonable contempt for authority and tradition, etc., applied esp. to the spirit and aims of the French philosophers of the 18th c.”
George I (1714-27)
George II (1727-60)
George III (1760-1820)
Guerra dei sette anni (1756-1763 )
The Tatler 1709 < fondatore Richard Steel
The Spectator 1711: ex fumo dare lucem = to turn the darkness light < Joseph Addison
Famale Spectator di Eliza Haywood, 1744
Gentleman’s Magazine
J.Locke, Some Thoughts Concerning Education 1690
” First, a disposition of the mind not to offend others, and secondly, the most acceptable and agreeable way of expressing that disposition. From the one the men are called civil, from the other well fashioned”
- Daniel Defoe
- Samuel Richardson
- Henry Fielding
James Joyce, Ulysses: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/4300/4300-h/4300-h.htm
V. Woolf, Mrs Dalloway, http://www.paolacarbone.com/cultura/dalloway.htm
Understanding pattern perception provides abstract design rules that can tell us much about how we should organize data so that important structures will be perceived. If we can map information structures to readily perceived patterns, then those structures will be more easily interpreted. [Colin Ware, Information Visualization: Perception for Design, Morgan Kaufmann, Elsevier, San Francisco 2004, p. 188.]
Le tre leggi di Newton affermano che:
• un corpo in quiete rimane in quiete e un corpo in movimento lungo una linea retta rimane in movimento uniforme, a meno che non venga disturbato da una forza esterna;
• l’accelerazione di un corpo è direttamente proporzionale alla forza applicata e ha la direzione della linea retta nella quale agisce la forza;
• a ogni forza si contrappone una forza di reazione uguale e opposta
Pubblicazione TS
1759: primi due volumi del romanzo
1761: volumi 3-4
1762: volumi 5-6
1765: volumi 7-8
1767: volume 9
tristramShandyWeb: www.tristramshandyweb.it > sezione HyperTS > Tristram Shandy tra digressione e ipertestualità by Giulia Losi
Robert Hooke, Micrographia,
these kind of Objects there is much more difficulty to discover the true shape, then [sic] of those visible to the naked eye, the same Object seeming quite differing [sic], in one position to the Light, from what it really is, and may be discover'd in another. And therefore I never began to make any draught before by many examinations in several lights, and in several positions to those lights, I had discover'd the true form. (xxiv)
Henry Power, Experimental Philosophy
John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
if by the help of such Microscopical Eyes (if I may so call them,) a Man could penetrate farther than ordinary into the secret Composition, and radical Texture of bodies, he would not make any great advantage by the change, if such an acute Sight would not serve to conduct him to the Market and Exchange.