Arte e letteratura dei paesi di lingua inglese |
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Mulk Raj ANAND, Untouchable
The author
“The English writing intelligentsia of India was . . . a kind of bridge trying to span, symbolically, the two worlds of the Ganga and the Thames through the novel ... having to transcreate certain human beings into the as yet small third world of international men.”
"I arrived in London after a brief jail-going in the Gandhi movement in the
early twenties and found myself removed suddenly from the realities of the freedom struggle into the world of Bloomsbury where the pleasures of literature and art were considered ends in themselves." [Conversations in Bloomsbury]
The narrative was plain, direct and without all those circumlocutions about Bakha, which I had attempted, in imitation of Joyce’s ‘language of the night’. I now saw the mocking bird in myself and was ashamed of my impressionableness.
“The next day he told me, ‘I have looked at your novel. You seem to use big words. Harijans sigh, moan, groan! They do not use such heavy words. Write in a simpler language and transliterate what they say.’”
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E.M. Forster dated 5 May, 1934
Dear Mr Anand,
I am just going abroad, and have only had time to read hastily through your
Ms., but I found it extremely interesting. It recalled to me very vividly the
occasion I have walked the ‘wrong way’ in an Indian city, and it is a way
down which no novelist has yet taken us…you present it all very
convincingly. You make your sweeper sympathetic yet avoid making him a
hero or a martyr, and by the appearance of Gandhi and the conversation about
machinery at the end, you give the book a coherence and shape which it would
otherwise have lacked….The objection against the Ms from the practical point
of view seems…not… its length but its ‘squalor’. I put this word in inverted
commas as indicating that it doesn’t convey my personal opinion, but it may
well represent the opinion of the public, which the publishers are bound to
consider when making their decision.
Altar of Fire - PREVIEW India Untouched: Research Documentary! Our Journey - How we know caste
Tiziano Terzani - La vita in breve
gandhi's cap
Khadi spirit= " unlimited faith, unlimited patience, self-sacrifice, purity of life, fellow feeling with every human being on earth (G. 1959)
To wear Khadi a person should maintain a lifestyle worthy of it, for "the outward appearance must be fit with the expression within”
Spinning as action vs spinning as representative of an ethnic or occupational type