Letteratura e cultura dei paesi di lingua inglese |
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“a new metaphor that we use to conceptualize individual and collective cultural memory, a collection of documents or objects, and other phenomena and experience.” [Lev Manovich, The Language of New Media]
Indeed, if after the death of God (Nietzsche), the end of grand Narratives of Enlightment (Lyotard), and the arrival of the Web (Tim Berners-Lee), the world appears to us as an endless and unstructured collection of images, texts, and other data records, it is only appropriate that we would want to develop a poetics, aesthetics and ethics of this database. [Lev Manovich, The Language of New Media]
All this further contributes to the antinarrative logic of the Web. If new elements are being added over time, the result is a collection, not a story. Indeed, how can one keep a coherent narrative or any other development trajectory through the material if it keeps changing? [Lev Manovich, The Language of New Media]
database in senso informatico: una raccolta strutturata di dati che risultano essere facilmente e velocemente accessibili all’utente.
DataBase Management System, DBMS > gerarchico, reticolare, relazionale, a oggetti
“Making narratives is a strategy for making our world of experiences and desires intelligible. It is a fundamental way of organizing data.” [E.Branigan, Narrative Comprehension and Film]
All this further contributes to the antinarrative logic of the Web. If new elements are being added over time, the result is a collection, not a story. Indeed, how can one keep a coherent narrative or any other development trajectory through the material if it keeps changing?
Marsha Kinder, direttore della Division of Critical Studies presso la USC School of Cinema and Television
narrativa: "a discursive mode of patterning and interpreting the meaning of perceptions, an operation crucial to culture. Thus its distinctive components - characters and events interacting within a spacetime
setting with change and causality – always carry specific historical, cultural and generic inflections, which enable us to contextualise its primary functions in three ways: aesthetically, ideologically and cognitively"
The mere act of exposing these processes has ideological implications, for it shows that narrative combinations are always somewhat arbitrary and subject to revision. By undermining the authority of master narratives, which can no longer be naturalized as inevitable, they shift the locus of power and pleasure both in the creation and reception of stories. [M.Kinder, “Bleeding Through Database Fiction”, in N.Klein, Bleeding Through Layers of Los Angeles, Karlsruhe, ZKM ars edition, 2003, p.54 ]
The History of Forgetting: Los Angeles and the Erasure of Memory
Seven Minutes: The Life and Death of the American Animated Cartoon.
E' coautore del Freud-Lissitzky Navigator (con L.Manovich);
coautore di Cinematic Imaginaries of Los Angeles (con S. Mamber)
direttore del Research Institute for Cultural Change.
Bleeding Through Layers of Los AngelesThe history of Forgetting
Missing Los Angeles: A Guide to Ruins, Fragments and Obliterated Structures
In this way, ever-different connections and variations of the
story are generated –similar to flashes of memory that connects
with other memories or influences. The viewers wander through
this memory landscape as if through a city, turning to the right
and then to the left, attracted by new elements that pop up on
the edge of their field of vision.[11 A.Kratky, “How to navigate Forgetting” in N.Klein, Bleeding Through.,p.61]
"We're a civilization of layers," Klein says. "We no longer think
in montage and collage; we multitask in layers more and more.
(…) When we walk along the street we have multitasking
phones and electronics." The computer desktop is another
example of that layering as is the ticker of news that scrolls
across the bottom of TV broadcasts.