Letteratura e cultura dei paesi di lingua inglese |
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Our program, Storyspace, originated as an attempt to develop a text-processing tool to enable writers of interactive presentations to exploit multiplicities. Storyspace depends on a decisional order rather than a fixed order of presenting material. ?…? A decisional order, however, may be thought of as a series of locales, some of which are linked by linear progression or argument, but with others that are determined by allusiveness, resemblance, evocation, or unexplained or “intuitive” parallels determined as often by the author as by the reader. ?…? Not long after I first met Stuart Moulthrop, I remember asking him, in all seriousness, “Do you ever find yourself wanting to press the words on a page of a book you’re reading to see what’s behind them?”
[M. Joyce, Of Two Minds. Hypertext Pedagogy and Poetics, The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor (Michigan) 1998, p. 95.]
Patchwork Girl, Shelley Jackson,
Victory Garden, Stuart Moulthrop,
Quibbling, Carolyn Guyer
Lust, Mary Kim Arnold
capacità di visualizzare la mappa
l’intera rete dei collegamenti
“Electronic writing is both a visual and verbal description”, says Bolter, “not the writing of a place, but rather a writing with places, spatially realized topics […] signs and structures on the computer screen that have not easy equivalent in speech.” For Bolter, hypertext’s “electronic symbols […] seem to be an extension of a network of ideas in the mind itself.” Storyspace, the hypertext system Bolter and I developed with John B. Smith, embodies Bolter’s view that the “topographical” writing of hypertext” reflects the mind as a web of verbal and visual elements in conceptual space. [M. Joyce, Of Two Minds, cit., p. 25]
Apollinaire, "La colombe poignardée et le jet d'eau"
Sterne, Tristram Shandy
Interazione - Cybertesto e perplessia
Letteratura digitale 1: text generators